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Nishank .

Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017, India


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  • To provide a volunteer forum to educators, artists, artisans and community for understanding and promoting Education Through Arts.
  • To nurture and promote creative talent of students, educators, artists and artisans in the country.
  • To promote & preserve Art and Cultural Heritage of India.
  • To assist in the holistic education of all children, including those with special needs, irrespective of their race, religions, cast or creed in general and to prepare them to become responsible citizens of the country, through all round physical, intellectual, emotional, cultural development based on values derived from the life.
  • To arrange and manage training camps, courses, on-line as well as face-to-face on ICT, computer hardware and software, Fine Arts (Visual), Craft, Design, Performing Arts, Cutting & Tailoring, Yoga, Meditation, Adult Education, Media etc. Programmes on Social Awareness, Lectures, Competitions, Exhibitions, Symposiums, Seminars, Conferences, Cultural Events, Press Conferences etc.
  • To publish Books, Charts, Magazines, News Letters, Bulletins and other awareness materials on different subjects. To produce audio-video Documentaries, Films, slide shows etc. for promotion of the above aims and objectives of the society.
  • To support research in Arts, Culture and Education.​
  •  To organize National and International Exchange programme to spread and promote Indian Arts and Cultural Heritage.